I just had to smile when I read about giving things away curbside. My daughter is selling our old house that we lived in before moving to our property and it is located in a perfect place to offer discards. She had given away many box loads of useable items, as well as an old upright grand piano!! She found out a couple of weeks later that her next door neighbor had taken it! There is double joy in discarding what we can no longer use and knowing that someone else has found a treasure.
I love your sketchbooks and the darling things that inspire you. I read Benson’s Lucia series every few years. How could you not be totally enchanted with this group of characters!! The first time I read them, I was commuting by train, and I would occasionally laugh out loud, embarrassing. Cheers, looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
I just had to smile when I read about giving things away curbside. My daughter is selling our old house that we lived in before moving to our property and it is located in a perfect place to offer discards. She had given away many box loads of useable items, as well as an old upright grand piano!! She found out a couple of weeks later that her next door neighbor had taken it! There is double joy in discarding what we can no longer use and knowing that someone else has found a treasure.
I laughed so much reading this - I am so glad you shared this with us Janet. Thank you!
You are so inspirational to me. Thank you for keeping my mind alive during difficult times. 🐻
Thank you Veronica, that means so very much to me - I appreciate you reading here
enjoyed your writing and drawing` s so much thank you !
I love your sketchbooks and the darling things that inspire you. I read Benson’s Lucia series every few years. How could you not be totally enchanted with this group of characters!! The first time I read them, I was commuting by train, and I would occasionally laugh out loud, embarrassing. Cheers, looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
Karen in VA
What I hate is when you give something you no longer want to someone and they feel compelled to give you something in return.
Glad to see you back as I look forward to reading your thoughts, but please, never feel bad about taking time away.
Yes, that awful awkwardness! And thank you always Gillian