Delightful, as usual. I've not been on Flickr before as I try to limit the quantity of rabbit-holes that suck me in, but I enjoyed the peek into yours. I intend to jump full in later on today when it's too hot to do anything else. Where I am in western U.S. (Oregon) it will be 101*F today, down from 103 yesterday. Would love to be where you are, enjoying a thunderstorm or at least cool enough that the birds can flit around, not hide in the shade of the trees, only to come out for a dip in the bird bath.

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Thank you Marilee - oh I do hope you have cooler, comfortable weather heading to your part of the world soon. Have a good week ahead

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Ah, Flickr! Where I found you back in the day. I still have (and pay for) my account, but haven’t actually used it in years! I kind of long for those days…

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Hello Sara, as you are paying maybe start posting there? Would be great to see your work and photos over on Flickr! Yes, I am reminded just for how long I have known some people, at least online. Have a good week ahead.

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When we bought a new car, it came with a subscription to Sirius XM radio. The Hubs and I love listening to classic rock because of the DJs (announcers). They always give the name of the artist and title of the song, as well as a little history on the band. When in the car, the song title, artist name, and album title pops up on the screen. Yesterday we heard The Doors’ “The Riders on the Storm” and admitted we both thought Jim Morrison was singing “Hector ala mode,” when he is actually singing “an actor out on loan.” We also had a fun chat about my early days as a music student and what it took to use a Moog synthesizer to create storm sounds.

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Thank you Melanie - you have reminded me of being in AZ in the early 90’s. My then partner and I used to like listening to the local university radio station. There was also a station that played just Kenny G saxophone music 24/7! But what I enjoyed most of all was listening to the BBC and Big Ben chiming the hour - it made home feel very far away but was somehow reassuring that it was still there for when I returned.

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Jul 7Liked by Cathy Cullis

What a pleasure to discover your week of drawings. It's a balm for the heart, all that gentleness and tenderness, melancholy and yet with a touch of strength. And the embroidered portraits too. I'm going to check you out on Flick

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Thank you Claudine for reading and sharing your thoughtful responses to my drawings - much appreciated. Have a good week ahead

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Your story about the safety pins made my heart feel soft. Thank you.

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