Sep 1Liked by Cathy Cullis

Reading you is my Sunday treat. What a pleasure to find your news in my mailbox. I love your work, the sketchbook, the paintings, the embroidery, your writings, everything is enchanting and seems to come straight from a dream world. Thank you

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Thanks so much Claudine, I am so grateful to you for your and encouraging comment. Have a good week

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Brilliant, as usual. I can see and hear everything you describe.

We are still in the throes of summer here in western Oregon (USA), but Fall is impatiently waiting in the wings. She mostly shows herself in the changing light, especially at dusk. We are about 50 miles from the ocean with a row of coastal mountains between us, and now when I look to the west, I can see a layer of fog peeking over the mountain tops. Pretty soon we will have fog in the mornings. Very soon, I hope.

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Thank you Marilee, always much appreciated. I can imagine how your views are forever changing and inspiring. I hope you enjoy autumn when she arrives. Have a good week

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Sep 1Liked by Cathy Cullis

Thank you for sharing your outing with us. I can imagine your surroundings so well, even the feeling of someone behind you on the stair. Your world is so different from mine here in Central Florida, where everything is new and I drive 5 miles to get to some stairs to walk up.

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Thank you Kat. I have only been to Florida for a few hours, this was years ago when visiting family in Alabama. I am glad I got to travel across the states as a younger woman, it has made me appreciate how differently people live and how varied and beautiful the English speaking world can be - have a good week

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Sep 1Liked by Cathy Cullis

Oh how brilliant all of this is! The embroidery, painting and writing are just my cuppa. I loved the conversation on the train, especially because I used to do this. Little did my fellow passengers know I was pinching dialogue for a story I would write. You have made me realise how little we overhear if we keep to shopping with those handsets where we zap a product and don't have to interact with other humans. Thank you. I'm inspired!

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Thank you Christine, I have always seen public transport as an opportunity to eavesdrop and learn about people. It’s not always entertaining but sometimes I am so grateful for the openness of others! Have a good week

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Those embroideries 😍

And I love the muted colour choices in you sketchbook!

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Thank you! I am looking forward to working more in my sketchbooks this week. Have a good week ahead

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Your stories are so lovely. Thank you. ♥️

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Love those pages in your sketchbook Cathy x

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